You can buy the products on the FLYDOG.RO website using the following payment instruments:

Refund (cash) upon delivery of the package

The value of the ordered products and services can be paid to the courier upon their delivery to the address specified by you.

Bank transfer

Payment can also be made by bank transfer on the basis of the proforma invoice, the delivery of the products to be made after the entry of the amount (the total value of the invoice) into our account.

  • ID: 42750881
  • No. Reg.Com: J14/225/2020
  • Work point: Chilieni no 216, Covasna county, ROMANIA
  • Banca Transilvania: RO40BTRLRONCRT0558943201

Payment Via Netopia / Shopify Pay / Stripe

We accept payment through card processors Netopia Payments, Shopify Payments or Stripe Payments or through Google pay or Apple Pay.